
Total Golf Trainer 2.0 | TGT 2.0 Value Pack (Includes TGT ARM & HIP)

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Product Overview

This Kit includes the TGT Arm & TGT Hip. Increase distance & improve accuracy, stop the slice and hooks & fix flipping and scooping at impact.The feedback is instant. Feel what is real with the most effective golf training devices on the market.




The TGT 2.0 Kit Value Pack includes the TGT Arm & TGT Hip.

The Most Versatile Golf Training Device The Total Golf Trainer 2.0 is a combination of the Total Golf Trainer Arm that has lead and trail wrist settings to cure your slice or hook and fix flipping and scooping at impact. The feedback is instant. You need correct feedback to accelerate the learning process. The Total Golf Trainer Arm teaches proper fundamentals to hit your chip shots closer to the hole. Learn to control your distance and length of swing to dialing in your wedge game. Feel correct wrist position through out your full swing. The Total Golf Trainer Hip is design to fit over your belt, pants, with lead and trail hip settings that provide instant feedback for training the hips. The correct hip movement in the golf swing is essential is creating a powerful, consistent golf swing. The Total Golf Trainer Hip teaches proper takeaway, feeling a powerful load at the top of your swing. Learn to sequence the downswing for a dynamic impact. Feel proper hip rotation through the ball increasing your speed and distance. The Total Golf Trainer 2.o has what you need to Learn your Process, Own your Swing.


• Flat lead wrist

• Proper wrist hinge

• Correct hip turn and rotation

• Sequence the downswing

• Feel how to make a consistent swing every time

With our full line of products and team of world class instructors, you’ll have everything you need to improve your game.

UPC: 752830302358

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Faults & Fundamentals

The TGT 2.0 Kit The combination of the TGT Hip in the lead setting with TGT Arm in the Trail setting will have you firing the hips while maintaining lag into impact resulting in increased distance and improved accuracy. TGT Hip Lead Hip Setting: 1)Attaching the TGT Hip to your lead hip(belt,pants,skirt ect) at 90degrees to the target line. The Takeaway- the red ball on the training rod will give you a visual for hip turn and load into the backswing. Top of Backswing- the red ball will provide a visual indicator for amount of hip turn and lower body load into the trail leg. Downswing- the TGT Hip will provide physical feedback for correct hip rotation and posture. When done correct the player will rotate the hips moving the training rod back and around making NO contact to the training rod Done incorrect the player will not rotate the hips leaving the training rod in front of the body making contact to the training rod with arms or club providing feedback that Impact- The TGT Hip provides real time feedback at impact. The hips open at impact to create speed and power with dynamic shaft lean at impact. The training rod and red ball will give you visual and physical feedback to improve your impact position Posture- correct posture through out the swing will result in NO contact of the training rod Loss of posture or early extension will result in contact of the training rod for instant feedback TGT Arm Trail Wrist Setting Used for chipping, pitch shots, and full shots this setting focuses on using the trail wrist to create the correct hinge and maintain lag into impact. The rod and ball will start bent off the trail wrist based on the length of your swing and the amount of hinge you want to create. The Red ball will touch the trail wrist and keep touching throughout the swing providing positive feedback improving distance and accuracy. No contact to the Red ball on the takeaway provides instant feedback that the club is rolling inside opening the club face, causing big left and right misses. The TGT Hip Trail setting combined with the TGT Arm Lead setting provides feedback for backswing load and downswing sequence combined with flat lead wrist and lead wrist flexion in the downswing Trail HipSetting: 2)Attach the TGT Hip to your trail hip(belt, pants, skirt ect.) *setting the training rod depends on how difficult you want to make the backswing and transition. The Takeaway (Training rod parallel to the target line)- take the club away on plane, parallel to the training rod at waist high. (Training rod 45 degrees to the target line) then the hips need to turn with the arms and club keeping the club outside the hands Top of backswing- the training rod will provide visual feedback depending on amount of load into the trail hip. This will help any type of backswing (stack and tilt, staying still over the ball or moving off the ball into the trail leg) Downswing/Transition-The training rod will provide instant feedback to improve downswing transition creating more speed and a dynamic impact. Attaching the device towards your back pocket will lesson the difficulty, while moving device towards front pocket increases difficulty. Done correctly the arms and club get back in front of the body with NO contact to the training rod. Contact to the training rod gives the feedback that your hips have opened too quickly causing poor sequence, loss of power, inconsistent contact Finish and Posture- Rotate the hips and body, facing the target in the finish. Balance and consistent body posture will result in more consistent ball striking loss of balance and training rod not pointing at the target Lead arm straight setting The TGT Arm can be used for chipping, pitching or full shots. The focus is on keeping a flat lead wrist from the top of the backswing, to impact and through the ball. The training rod and ball should start lightly touching the lead wrist. In the takeaway create space between the training rod and Red ball(flattening the lead wrist, squaring the club face) the space should be maintained throughout your swing motion. No contact to the Red ball provides positive feedback controlling the club face resulting in more consistent ball striking Contact to the Ball will provide feedback that the club face is open causing fat, thin, snap hooks and massive slices. TGT Hip Fundamentals: 1)Posture: is essential to any good swing. The Red indicator ball on the TGT Hip provides correct posture and gets instant feedback if your posture changes throughout the swing. 2)Takeaway: The takeaway will ingrain the proper feel for staying on plane and creating optimal width in the backswing. 3)Downswing Transition is one of the most difficult parts of the swing to learn. The TGT Hip gives golfers the feedback to create a consistent, powerful and repetitive downswing transition. 4)Correct DownswingSequencing for an optimal impact position. The correct hip rotation and sequence will deliver a more powerful and consistent strike every time. 5)Extension a key fundamental for power and consistency. The TGT Hip provides instant feedback so you can learn how to release the body and club powerfully for maximum accuracy and distance. Faults: 1)Loss of Posture during the backswing or on the downswing causes all kinds of wild shots. The TGT Hip (with its yellow indicator ball) will show you how to maintain correct posture throughout the swing. 2)Sliding of the Hips is a common problem that affects many other faults. The TGT Hip will give you the visual reinforcement needed to learn the correct body rotation in your swing and avoid the dreaded hip slide. 3)The Reverse Pivot is a common fault that is difficult to recognize for golfers. The TGT Hip teaches you the correct position of the upper body whether you want to load in your trail leg, or stack and tilt. 4)Early Extension caused by the hips coming in and towards the ball is a deadly swing fault. The TGT Hip will help you experience the feel of correct rotation and eliminate your early release. 5) Hang Back is a common fault that makes it impossible to hit solid shots consistently. The TGT Hip will give you feedback using the yellow indicator ball to evaluate your finish position for more powerful, consistent contact. Fundamentals: 1)Takeaway: The TGT Arm is perfect for players looking to learn how to maintain a consistent and correct path and club face position on the takeaway 2)Top of Backswing The trail wrist setting enables you to feel the perfect position at the top of the backswing to generate more power at impact. 3)Downswing The feel of the TGT training rod on the trail wrist gives instant feedback on lag which leads to a powerful and repeatable impact position. 4)Find the Slot “The slot” on the downswing is something that is difficult to feel while hitting balls. The TGT Arm gives the player the ability to train while hitting balls, receiving feedback on every swing to maximize practice time. Learn what “the slot” really feels like with the TGT Arm. 5) Impact Impact is the most critical part of the golf swing. The TGT Arm teaches the feel of a flat lead wrist at impact for chipping, pitching and full swings. Get this right and you’ll hit more solid shots and really improve your consistency. 6)Extension/Release Learn to create extension and proper release of the club improving distance and accuracy. Faults: 1)Scooping Under the Ball The TGT Arm has lead and trail settings designed to help you achieve a perfect impact position and eliminate scooping under the ball, which produces inconsistent contact. 2)Casting the Club One of the biggest power losses in the golf swing is casting, or losing lag on the downswing causing multiple misses. The TGT Arm eliminates this. 3)Over Swinging The TGT Arm can be set to control over swinging, which is where the club goes well past parallel. The TGT Arm fixes a bent lead arm or too much wrist hinge that causes inconsistency and mishits. 4)Open Club Face “Fanning the club face open” on the backswing or at the top of the swing is a major fault of many golfers. The TGT Arm will teach you the correct club face position for a more consistent shot shape and solid contact.


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  • 5
    Practice Practice Practice

    Posted by Rick on Sep 3rd 2018

    My practice has never been more productive

  • 5
    Train both my lead and trail wrist

    Posted by Mandy on Sep 1st 2018

    Being able to train both my lead and trail wrist has helped with hitting down on the ball with my irons.

  • 5
    Train both my lead and trail wrist

    Posted by Mandy on Sep 1st 2018

    Being able to train both my lead and trail wrist has helped with hitting down on the ball with my irons.

  • 5
    3 Swings Is All It Took!

    Posted by Fred on Aug 21st 2018

    It took 3 swings and I was sold.

  • 5
    3 Swings Is All It Took!

    Posted by Fred on Aug 21st 2018

    It took 3 swings and I was sold.

  • 5
    Get all the feedback I need!

    Posted by Mike on Jul 23rd 2018

    I have always needed video for feedback, now I use the TGT Hip and get all the feedback I need.

  • 5
    Get all the feedback I need!

    Posted by Mike on Jul 23rd 2018

    I have always needed video for feedback, now I use the TGT Hip and get all the feedback I need.

  • 5
    WOW The feedback!

    Posted by Sam on Jul 8th 2018

    The feedback has been extremely helpful!

  • 5
    WOW The feedback!

    Posted by Sam on Jul 8th 2018

    The feedback has been extremely helpful!