
Total Golf Trainer Arm | TGT ARM | Golf Swing Training Aid

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Product Overview

The TGT Arm controls club face eliminating flipping and scooping at impact. Create a flat lead wrist at the top of the swing and Impact. Feel trail wrist lag in the downswing creating a dynamic shaft lean at impact, train the correct release of the arms and club for more consistent ball striking and shot shaping.

TGT ARM - 3 Main Features

  • Use on Lead or Trail Arm (Versatility)
  • The TGT Arm fits any golfer and can be used either on the wrist, or the upper arm(creating width) The versatility to use on the lead side and/or trail side makes the TGT Arm stand out as the best wrist, elbow, and arm training device on the market.
  • Provides Positive or Negative Feedback on Every Swing


The TGT Arm will provide positive or negative feedback to support flat lead wrist, bent trail wrist, and arm positions through out the swing. The training rods have touch and no touch settings for instant feedback you can feel. Fix Multiple Swing Faults Fast The TGT Arm gives golfers multiple settings to solve many common swing faults like too inside and open face takeaway, cupping the wrist or over swinging at the top, casting or coming over the top on the downswing, scooping or flipping at impact and many more. The Ideal Wrist, Elbow and Arm Position Throughout the Golf Swing. The Total Golf Trainer - Arm is an innovative training device from Total Golf Trainer that will help improve the biomechanics and movement patterns of your wrists and arms throughout the golf swing.

Correct positioning of the lead/trail wrists and arms can help solve a variety of swing faults, helping you achieve a flat left wrist position, forward shaft lean at impact, establish powerful lag in the downswing, and ensure crisp contact by helping you to avoid releasing too soon and scooping the golf ball. The device is adjustable, and easily attaches to your lead or trail wrist.

Product highlights:

  • Instant positive and negative feedback based on whether or not the red indicator ball is touching or not touching your wrist or arm. No guesswork.
  • Helps golfers achieve the ideal wrist, elbow and arm positions throughout the golf swing.
  • Achieve maximum clubface control for more consistency on all shots (full shots, pitching, and chipping).
  • Train yourself on how to create more lag, and find the coveted “slot” position on the downswing every time.
  • Total Golf Trainer - Arm is the Perfect Short Game

The wrists, elbows and arms play a big role not only in the full swing, but in the short game as well. The Total Golf Trainer Arm teaches chipping and pitching fundamental uses both positive and negative feedback to help you get both your lead wrist as well as your trail wrist to maintain proper position for maximum consistency around the greens.

The TGT Arm teaches basic bump and run chips to mega flop shots and everything in between. Bunker shots have never been easier. Get up and down from anywhere!! Whether you’re looking to get in a better position at the top of the swing, generate more lag in the downswing, achieve a perfect impact position, or reduce shots around the green the Total Golf Trainer - Arm is the Best training device on the market.

UPC: 752830302259

Product Videos

Faults & Fundamentals

Settings/Product Inserts/How to use: Lead arm straight setting The TGT Arm can be used for chipping, pitching or full shots. The focus is on keeping a flat lead wrist from the top of the backswing, to impact and through the ball. The training rod and ball should start lightly touching the lead wrist. In the takeaway create space between the training rod and Red ball(flattening the lead wrist, squaring the club face) the space should be maintained throughout your swing motion. No contact to the Red ball provides positive feedback controlling the club face resulting in more consistent ball striking Contact to the Ball will provide feedback that the club face is open causing fat, thin, snap hooks and massive slices. The Trail Wrist Setting Used for chipping, pitch shots, and full shots this setting focuses on using the trail wrist to create the correct hinge and maintain lag into impact. The rod and ball will start bent off the trail wrist based on the length of your swing and the amount of hinge you want to create. The Red ball will touch the trail wrist and keep touching throughout the swing providing positive feedback improving distance and accuracy. No contact to the Red ball on the takeaway provides instant feedback that the club is rolling inside opening the club face, causing big left and right misses. Dual Setting Lead and Trail The versatility continues as the TGT Arm Dual Setting can be used for chipping, pitching and hitting full shots as well. The combination of both lead and trail settings will put your wrists in the correct position for every golf shot. The positive and negative feedback given using two TGTs is instant and undeniable. The TGT Arm will produce consistent chips, better distance control with pitches, and create more lag and power in your full swing. This setting combines the Lead and Trail Wrist settings above improving lead wrist flexion, trail wrist lag, dynamic shaft lean at impact, correct extension and release increasing distance and accuracy. Top of Lead Wrist Setting TGT Top of Lead Wrist setting can be used for chipping, pitching and hitting full shots as well.. The TGT rod can be placed directly on the lead thumb and pointer finger to maintain touch for chip shots. The rod can be bent to increase the amount of hinge for hitting pitch shots and practicing your full swing. When the rod is bent the player will contact the rod in the backswing and maintain contact till impact, then contact again though to the finish. Fundamentals: 1)Takeaway: The TGT Arm is perfect for players looking to learn how to maintain a consistent and correct path and club face position on the takeaway 2)Top of Backswing The trail wrist setting enables you to feel the perfect position at the top of the backswing to generate more power at impact. 3)Downswing The feel of the TGT training rod on the trail wrist gives instant feedback on lag which leads to a powerful and repeatable impact position. 4)Find the Slot “The slot” on the downswing is something that is difficult to feel while hitting balls. The TGT Arm gives the player the ability to train while hitting balls, receiving feedback on every swing to maximize practice time. Learn what “the slot” really feels like with the TGT Arm. 5) Impact Impact is the most critical part of the golf swing. The TGT Arm teaches the feel of a flat lead wrist at impact for chipping, pitching and full swings. Get this right and you’ll hit more solid shots and really improve your consistency. 6)Extension/Release Learn to create extension and proper release of the club improving distance and accuracy. Faults: 1)Scooping Under the Ball The TGT Arm has lead and trail settings designed to help you achieve a perfect impact position and eliminate scooping under the ball, which produces inconsistent contact. 2)Casting the Club One of the biggest power losses in the golf swing is casting, or losing lag on the downswing causing multiple misses. The TGT Arm eliminates this. 3)Over Swinging The TGT Arm can be set to control over swinging, which is where the club goes well past parallel. The TGT Arm fixes a bent lead arm or too much wrist hinge that causes inconsistency and mishits. 4)Open Club Face “Fanning the club face open” on the backswing or at the top of the swing is a major fault of many golfers. The TGT Arm will teach you the correct club face position for a more consistent shot shape and solid contact.


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  • 5
    Tgt arm

    Posted by Robert spellman on Sep 1st 2022

    Easy use to use. The feedback is instantaneous

  • 5
    TGT Arm

    Posted by Wilson on Dec 2nd 2020

    Well constructed and most importantly gives great wrist awareness. Can be a game changer.

  • 5
    Training my Trail wrist

    Posted by Mark on Sep 16th 2018

    Training my Trail wrist has helped my lead wrist. Thanks TGT!!

  • 5
    I love golf now

    Posted by Stacy on Aug 7th 2018

    The BMT arm device really improved my abilities all around. I can't wait to surprise my husband with the TGT

  • 5

    Posted by Sara on Aug 7th 2018

    This is the perfect product for a beginner. Really helped me stay in position. Total confidence builder, thank you!

  • 5
    A great improvement

    Posted by David on Aug 7th 2018

    The best purchase for my golf game I could have ever got.

  • 5
    WOW The feedback!

    Posted by Sam on Aug 7th 2018

    The feedback has been extremely helpful!

  • 5
    Practice Practice Practice

    Posted by Rick on Mar 9th 2018

    My practice has never been more productive

  • 5
    Train both my lead and trail wrist

    Posted by Mandy on Jan 9th 2018

    Being able to train both my lead and trail wrist has helped with hitting down on the ball with my irons.